Formation renouvellement IFR
Renouvelement IFR
Programme de formation de renouvellement IFR pour améliorer la sécurité des vols dans des situations anormales comme – Panneau partiel – Panne moteur – Conditions chaudes et élevées – Mauvais temps – Pannes de système, etc.
Le programme étant sur mesure, vous pouvez adapter votre simulation de vol et votre entraînement pour mieux répondre à vos attentes.
Les horaires d’aviation qui propose Sky Training Aviation peuvent être réalisés en solo ou en binôme, toujours supervisés par l’un de nos SFI qui sont agréés par l’Autorité de l’Aviation Civile.
Notre simulateur
Référence du certificat de qualification: DACM-FSDT.07/2018
FSTD(A) Niveau de qualification FNPT-II MCC
Variante d'avion : Generic Multi-Engine Turbo Prop (Representative of King Air B200GT).
Numéro de série: Entrol 050
Instrument en route and approach chart interpretation, including Standard Instrument Departures (SID), Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODP), Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STAR), and Area Navigation (RNAV)/Global Positioning System (GPS)/wide area augmentation system (WAAS) procedures.
Obtaining and analyzing weather information, including knowledge of hazardous weather phenomena, such as icing and convective activity.
Preflight planning, including aircraft performance, Notices to Airmen (NOTAM) information (including temporary flight restrictions (TFR)), fuel requirements, alternate requirements, and use of appropriate FAA publications such as the Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD).
Aircraft systems related to IFR operations, including appropriate operating methods, limitations, and emergency procedures due to equipment failure.
Aircraft flight instruments and navigation equipment, including characteristics, limitations, operating techniques, and emergency procedures due to malfunction or failure, such as lost communications and automation failure procedures.
Determining the airworthiness of the aircraft for instrument flight, including required inspections and documents.
Air traffic control (ATC) procedures pertinent to flight under IFR, with emphasis on elements of ATC clearances and pilot/controller responsibilities.
A general working knowledge of aerodynamic principles relating to angle of attack (AOA) and the purpose, operation, and limitations of AOA indicators (if installed).
On successful completion of the course, trainees will be awarded with a certificate of training on Entrol A11 B200 GT FNTPII MCC simulator.