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Khotwa event

Exceptional Event await us in Oran – don’t miss It!


The BIGGEST orientation and training event in Algeria is once again coming to #Oran on March 22 and 23 at the University of Oran 2! Access #FREE and WITHOUT REGISTRATION for everyone 😁

☑️ International Internship & Scholarship Opportunities

☑️ Recruiters to offer you the opportunity to integrate professional life.

☑️ Universities who will be there to advise you.

☑️ National Superior Schools and professional training schools that will present their programs to you.

☑️ Entrepreneurship support organizations that are there to support you in your project ideas.

#Khotwa is also:

✔ workshops ✔ coaching ✔ conferences ✔ events ✔ mini training ✔ competitions

👉 See you all on March 22 and 23, 2022 at the central library of Oran 2 University.

📣 Don’t forget! all mini-trainings, workshops and conferences are FREE and OPEN to everyone 👌.

STA at Khotwa Event


 Khotwa 2022 Oran

See you all on March 22 and 23, 2022 at the central library of Oran 2 University. 📣📣 Don’t forget! Access is FREE and WITHOUT REGISTRATION,

🔴 Take advantage of new training and activities

👉 Register quickly and reserve your place for the pilot initiation patent in the evening during a 9a3da of Ramadan

👉 Reserve your place for the airline pilot training for this year.

👉 If you are passionate about aviation, pass your private pilot’s license Welcome we are waiting for you

Sky Training Aviation will be present at Khotwa Event

Join us at Oran

Please fill the information below and select your interest before visiting our stand

About Khotwa

The Student and New Perspectives Fair “Khotwa” is back in a comeback edition that will sign a new start for the biggest event of orientation and training in the country. The Fair will be a vast space for exchange on the choice of studies, training and opportunities to be seized to build a promising future for all Algerian youth. The tens of thousands of young visitors will thus be oriented effectively, thanks to the presence of training professionals, national and international players in higher education and vocational training, organizations supporting entrepreneurship and talent scouts and recruiters who can shed relevant light on visitors’ career plans and future projects.



+213 770 419 328/ 15

Horaires de travailSamedi— Jeudi8:30 h - 16:30 h

Boumerdès, Algérie

Cite Ain AbdAllah Résidence Djurdjura Étage de service N°2، Boumerdes 35000
 Cite Ain AbdAllah Résidence Djurdjura Étage de service N°2، Boumerdes 35000

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